Oakland International Airport Completes Phase 1 of Runway Safety Area Project

Ensures Highest Possible Runway Safety Standards at Oakland International Airport

Oakland, California – October 13, 2014 – Oakland International Airport (OAK) recently completed Phase l of the Runway Safety Area Project (RSA). The Runway 12/30 (South Field) construction activities began in May 2013 and were recently completed in September 2014. The activities included: airfield lighting to enable operations in low visibility conditions, paving, relocation of aircraft navigational aids and antennas, relocation of runway thresholds to make space for RSAs, renaming of runway to conform to magnetic variation, drainage improvements, construction of two new taxiways leading to the runway, and overlay and paving on portions of Runway 12/30.

OAK was able to schedule several temporary runway closures throughout the process, primarily during nights and weekends to minimize the effects on airport operations, the public and surrounding communities.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) establishes design standards to ensure safety of all U.S. airports. These standards include criteria for runway safety areas (RSAs) which are clear areas around a runway, free of objects and structures. RSAs are designed and maintained to enhance safety accessibility for firefighting and rescue equipment during such incidents.

“Oakland International Airport along with the FAA and airport stakeholders diligently selected an RSA improvement program that would enhance runway safety entirely within the physical boundaries of the airport, maintain existing operations, and avoid impact to the San Francisco Bay,” said Deborah Ale Flint, Director of Aviation for the Port of Oakland. “With Phase l completed, we look forward to Phase ll of the RSA Project, which will entail enhancement of the North Field (Runways 10R/28L and 10L/28R) utilized by the General Aviation community.”

All runways at OAK are scheduled to be fully operational by the congressionally mandated deadline of December 31, 2015.

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About Oakland Airport (OAK)

Oakland Airport (OAK) is the main airport for the greater East Bay, the most populated area in the metropolitan San Francisco Bay area. It is the closest airport to most Bay Area employers. By roadway and BART air-rail, OAK enables excellent access to all of the region’s business, entertainment and tourism venues. The vision of OAK is to be the airport of choice for San Francisco Bay Area residents and visitors alike. OAK is operated by the Port of Oakland, which also oversees the Oakland seaport and 20 miles of East Bay waterfront. Together with its business partners, the Port supports more than 98,000 jobs in the region with more than a $174 billion economic impact.

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