A comprehensive Settlement Agreement, designed to address community concerns surrounding Oakland Airport’s Terminal Modernization and Development Project, has been unanimously approved by the Alameda City Council, representatives of CLASS (Citizens League for Airport Safety and Serenity), and the Port of Oakland Board of Port Commissioners.
This Settlement Agreement, reached after months of collaborative negotiation following the release of the Port of Oakland’s Final Environmental Impact Report in 2024, directly responds to Alameda and CLASS community feedback regarding potential increases in noise, air pollution, safety risks, and traffic congestion.
The project includes the demolition of the Terminal 1 Ticketing and Baggage Claim Building and the construction of a new, modern terminal with a net increase of up to 16 gates that meets modern safety, seismic, and efficiency standards. Importantly, the project does not include an increase in the number of flights or changes to the runways.
CLASS, representing approximately 3,000 households in the Community of Harbor Bay Isle on Bay Farm Island, was a key partner in negotiating the Agreement, leveraging their 30-year history of engagement regarding airplane noise and safety with the Oakland Airport Noise Office and Oakland Airport Operations.
The Settlement Agreement contains more than 20 terms and provides enforceable and tangible measures to mitigate the project’s potential impacts. Key benefits include:
• Improved airport noise management plan for airplanes at OAK that also avoids construction during evenings and early morning hours as feasible and adds noise monitoring and attenuation during construction phases.
• Traffic control planning measures that address roadway congestion in Alameda from users of the airport, including directing traffic away from Alameda using signage, navigation tools, and road design.
• Air quality monitoring and reporting to address air pollution concerns and affirms the airport’s zero emissions operations goals.
• Ongoing commitment by the Port to comply with all prior settlement agreements and to cooperate with the City and CLASS to address any future noise impacts from the new terminal.
“We are deeply appreciative of the continued partnership with CLASS and the City of Alameda and the joint commitment to finding common ground,” said Kristi McKenney, Executive Director of the Port of Oakland. “This is an important step as we seek to modernize the airport and be responsive to the needs of our local communities.”
“This agreement will go a long way towards addressing the concerns of CLASS and its members,” said CLASS President Jon Hamilton. “We appreciate the Port’s willingness to take our concerns seriously, as well as the support of the Alameda City Council throughout the negotiations. We are pleased that there will now be an official OAK Noise Plan setting forth the Port’s commitments to address noise impacts from flights over our communities.”
“The City of Alameda listened to concerns from our residents, advocated for changes to the project with the Port, and in strong partnership with CLASS and the Port, negotiated a settlement agreement that is proactive of the Alameda community’s interests,” stated City Manager Jennifer Ott. “I look forward to our continued collaboration and to the long-term benefits this project will bring to the region.”
Read the settlement report and agreement.
Media Contacts:
Sarah Henry, Alameda Public Information Officer
510-747-4714 | [email protected]
Kaley Skantz, OAK Airport Spokesperson
510-563-6500 | [email protected]
Jon Hamilton, CLASS President
[email protected]